Community Directory

Welcome to the Bris West Connection Community Directory!

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Who is Bris West Connect for?

Bris West Connect is a free service to the all members of the community, focusing on places and groups in the western suburbs of Brisbane and can benefit those who:

  • are new to the area
  • have lost touch with friends and/or family
  • experience barriers to getting out and about
  • feel nervous meeting new people
  • May not be aware of what types of activities are available in their area
  • are experiencing social isolation and loneliness

Even if you do not not fall into the any of the above categories, the community directory can be of use just to find out where the nearest cinema (or library, or other place) is located.


  • Purpose Statement

    Bris West Connect A Social Inclusion Network28 June 2021 We: Bris West Connect Exist to: Reduce social isolation in the suburbs of St Lucia, Toowong, Taringa and Indooroopilly By: Networking, information sharing and collaborative effort among members Creating spaces and opportunities for people to meet and strengthen relationships Identifying assets and resources in the local area […]

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